Name *
E-Mail *
Phone Number *
What is your current tax filing status? * SingleHead of HouseholdMarried Filing JointlyMarried Filing SeparatelyQualifying Widow(er)
Please select all conditions that apply: W-2 EmployeeSelf-EmployedHomeownerHave Dependent Children
What is your home city & state? *
Have you ever worked with a Tax Professional, Accountant, or Financial/Tax Strategist? * YesNo
What subject(s) would you like to focus on during our time together? (Select all that apply.) Tax Preparation (current year)Tax Preparation (prior years)Tax Planning/StrategyBusiness Profit PlanningBusiness Formation/StructuringPersonal Financial Strategy
What is your current business/household monthly revenue (income)? * Under $2,000 per month$2,000 - $5,000 per month$5,000 - $10,000 per month$10,000 - $15,000 per month$15,000 - $20,000 per month$20,000 - $25,000 per month$25,000 per month +
Do you have a copy of your tax return for last year? * YesNo
What would make our meeting most productive for you?
How did you hear about The Bakery? 🧁 * Social MediaSearching the WebIn-Person MeetingReferralOther
If you were referred by a current client, please list his/her name below:
PLEASE NOTE: Add us to your calendar once you schedule. During peak season, we are unable to reschedule if an appointment is missed. We can’t wait to connect with you.